Hi Friends!
My name is Rachel and my husband’s name is Andrew. We welcomed our sweet baby girl into the world this past year and have been enjoying the wild adventure of parenting ever since. Our spunky golden retriever is over the moon to have a little sister. We feel SO blessed.
Seeing The Forty Forty Challenge grow has been such an answer to prayer. Andrew and I prayed to have a business full of purpose, one that is fulfilling to His Kingdom. God has given us just that through this challenge. The lives that have been changed, the stories that have been told throughout this challenge have been a huge blessing to us. God truly is at work through this challenge and peoples lives are being changed for GOOD! Praise Jesus!
Forty Forty incorporates two things we think people should not live without pursuing: Jesus + being healthy. We know from experience how hard it can be to make Jesus and working out a priority on a daily basis when the busyness of life gets in the way. We hope this 40-day challenge creates new healthy habits of getting in His Word daily and working out daily. We pray that Forty Forty pushes you to a whole new level in your faith journey and can’t wait to follow along and see how Jesus grows each and every one of you! Let’s make Him known by creating Jesus Habits!
Thank you for supporting our small business and getting the Forty Forty Challenge in all 50 states!
In Him, Rachel & Andrew xoxo
Through the years...

2021 (Test Year)
A desire for more purpose. A vision on how to bring people closer to Christ through reading His Word and exercise. A small group of family and friends testing it out. The Forty Forty Challenge was established.

Easter of 2022 was the first challenge. Each challenge that was offered grew bigger and bigger with each Facebook Group becoming more and more interactive. The Forty Forty Challenge made its way to all 50 states and WOW was that cool to see God at work.

We added the New Year's Challenge and The Fall Challenge. The Add-On was offered so that people could do more than one challenge a year. More people were being reached and more scholarships were given away because of each of YOU.