It’s getting tough right now, isn’t it? You only have so much energy and time in a day, and you’re running thin. Life is hitting fast and furious, and all those good intentions you had at the start of the challenge are getting kind of blurry and faded. 🥴

“I don’t think this is worth it anymore.” 

“I’ve skipped a few days, so I’m ready to call it quits.” 

“Maybe I’ll finish it another time. Just not now.” 

If that’s where you are right now, let me remind you of the powerful truth. 

👉 This is exactly where God wants to meet you. 👈

Yes, right here in the messy tangle of your life. In the chaotic mornings, in the lack of motivation, in the diapers piling up, in the heaviness of feeling like you’re not enough. 

And He’s not searching for a perfect track record, checked boxes, or even enthusiasm. He just wants YOU. Messy, discouraged, imperfect, hurting you. Just as you are. 🫶

I firmly believe you didn’t stumble into this 40-day Scripture challenge by accident – God led you here because He has something special for you, a gift you have yet to unwrap. 

Friend, don’t quit yet. This is not the end of the road – this is the exact spot where God wants to bring freedom and healing to your life. 

Why Is It So Hard To Keep Going? 

I’m not going to sugarcoat this. 

It feels hard because there is a battle happening as we speak. A battle for your intimacy with the Lord. 

Ephesians 6:12 is very clear: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” 

When you set out intentionally to draw closer to Jesus, you’re stepping directly onto the battlefield, and the devil notices. And he’s actively searching for any opportunity to tear you away from the Lord. 

Think about it: communing with the Lord and reading His Word every day strengthens your faith, fills you with peace, and equips you to live boldly for Him. That kind of transformation terrifies the enemy! He doesn’t want you satisfied in the Lord. He wants to keep you distracted, discouraged, and disconnected. ☠️

The enemy is crafty. He’ll use whatever he can to make you stumble – your busyness, your exhaustion, even the lies you tell yourself. 

“I’m too far behind to catch up.”
“God’s disappointed in me.” 

“I’ll never finish, so why bother?” 

The enemy weaponizes those thoughts as fiery darts to make you quit the very thing you need the MOST. 🤯

What Should I Do When It Feels Impossible To Finish? 

James 4:7 says, “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” 

The enemy can’t stand in the presence of a surrendered heart. 🤲

What does that mean you do? You RUN to the Father, with all your weakness, lack of motivation, and exhaustion. He will meet you right there with the strength you don’t have on your own. His power is made perfect in your weakness. 

Hang in there! The enemy knows what’s at stake, and he wouldn’t come after you if God wasn’t going to do mighty work in your life through the Jesus virtual challenge. The battle has already been won and your victory is secure in Christ. 🏆

Three Reminders To Encourage You 

  1. The reason you want to quit is likely why you need the Jesus Challenge most. 

If you’re ready to quit, think about why you started. 

  • Maybe because you were too busy for God. 

  • Or wanting to start a healthier lifestyle. 

  • Or prioritizing your own self-care. 

Now consider how your “why” is attached to your desire to quit. 

  • Is your day too full to fit in time with Jesus?

  • Does it feel uncomfortable to get out of the house and move? 

  • Is it challenging to hold boundaries and take some time for yourself? 

I bet you’ll find some surprising similarities. This is not the moment to step back. Now is the time to dig deeper. 💪 This is where the challenge really starts and where you get the results you signed up for. 

  1. God’s power is made perfect in your weakness. 

If you’re feeling weak, that’s actually a good thing! Paul says, “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

This means that when you start failing, God gets to show off. Because it’s no longer you doing the work, it’s all Him.  

The struggle you find yourself in right now is an invitation for God to show up in your life in powerful, unprecedented ways.  If you’re feeling weak, praise God! Don’t be afraid to ask Him for strength – of course He wants to empower your time with Him! This is a perfect opportunity to depend on Him to carry you through and give Him all the glory. 🙌

  1. The goal is not perfection. The goal is the journey. 

And the journey is this, right now. The fight to keep going or throw in the towel. You’re in the thick of it. 

If you’ve already missed a day or several, it’s very tempting to think, “What’s the point? I already failed.” 😫 No, you haven’t! Not at all! Wearing that medal at the end of the challenge doesn’t mean you strictly completed every single day. It means you gave your best and showed up for the battle. 

If you’ve missed a few, don’t let shame convince you to give up. Pick up right where you left off and trust that God values every step toward Him, no matter how imperfect. 

Be encouraged: your faithfulness is shaping your heart more than you know. 

Practical Tips to Carry You Through the Jesus Challenge 

When you’re feeling discouraged: 

  • Reflect on the wins. Open a new note and write down one thing you’ve gained or learned through the challenge so far. Then celebrate it! :🥳

  • Reach out. Text a trusted friend or post in the accountability group and ask for prayer. Ask for prayer against the enemy’s plans to destroy your intimacy with the Lord and for strength to submit yourself to the Lord. 🧎

  • Remember God’s faithfulness. Think back to hard times when God’s been faithful. Those seasons are proof that He will continue to sustain you, and that He has your best in mind. 💞

When you feel like you’ve already failed: 

  • Start fresh today. Lamentations 3:22-23 reminds us, “His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning.” Let today be a new beginning. 🌤️

  • Focus on progress. Don’t aim for perfection. Remember that you’re on the journey right now, and you succeed by taking small steps of obedience. 

  • Let go of shame. God isn’t keeping score. He just wants your heart, even in the mess. 

When you don’t have any motivation: 

  • Do it anyway. Obedience needs to sit in the driver’s seat, whether the feelings are there or not. Start with a small step, and trust God to meet you there. 

  • Revisit your why. ⚓Why did you start this challenge? Remind yourself of your purpose. 

  • Pray for the desire. Ask God to stir your heart for Him. He loves to hear and answer that kind of humble, open prayer. 🙏

Friend, these struggles are real, but so is the grace of God that meets you in every single one. Don’t let the hard moments keep you from admiring the beauty of what He’s doing in your life right now. Keep going – you’re not alone! 

Is the Jesus Challenge Really Worth It? 

If you’re wondering if you can make it to day 40, let me paint a picture for you. Two pictures, actually. One is where you give up, and one is where you buckle down and finish.

1️⃣ Scenario One 

You give up. Maybe it’s been a few days or weeks of skipping the virtual Jesus challenge, telling yourself you’ll catch up. But eventually, you just let it go. The early mornings, the moments of prayer, the discipline – it all fades into the background. 

You feel relief in the moment like you’ve escaped the pressure, but deep down, you know you’ve missed something much bigger than just a virtual walking challenge. Something new and free, something you’ve never quite been able to put your finger on. 🤔

But you’re drowning in stress. 😣 

  • The same pressures overwhelm you. 

  • You lose your joy and snap at the smallest things. 

  • Problems feel like mountains, and you find yourself retreating in anxiety. 

  • You feel sluggish and frustrated with your body. 

  • You wake up disconnected from Jesus. 

  • Your mind is in a million places at once, and peace seems so distant. 

You’re right back where you started. Or worse. The regret aches and tugs at your heart. You were doing so well. What if you hadn’t stopped? 

2️⃣ Scenario Two 

You finish. It’s day 40! 🤯You’ve made it through the early mornings, the tired days, the unexpected obstacles. You stand strong, and the glowing pride you feel is indescribable. 

You did something harder than you ever thought you could – and you made it!! 🥳

  • You’ve lost weight, and your clothes are getting baggy. 

  • Your mind is clear and focused on the truth, not distracted by the endless problems. 

  • Your relationship with Jesus is deep and strong, giving you unimaginable peace. 

  • When stress hits, you handle it with grace. 

  • Instead of reacting in frustration or anxiety, you handle it with confidence. 

  • When things don’t go as planned, your peace and joy are unshakeable. 

  • You feel capable, purposeful, and eager to be who God’s called you to be. 

As you can see, quitting now is easy. But you’re not just passing up the next few weeks – you’re walking away from the chance to find the freedom you’ve so desperately longed for. To change the course of your life. 

If you quit now, you’ll find that those SAME stressors, struggles, and anxieties are still weighing you down. God’s eager to transform you through this 40-day Scripture challenge so you can handle it all with grace and strength. 

Friend, I don’t want you to live with that regret. 🥺If you stay in it, you won’t have regrets – only pride in your accomplishments and growth. Don’t let the fleeting struggle of today rob you of your future. 

How Can I Make The Jesus Challenge a Long-Term Habit? 

My virtual Jesus challenge doesn’t have to be a temporary fix. 

If you want to make this sweet communion with Jesus your new normal, it’s time to lock in. Don’t wait for things to fall into place on their own. This is an opportunity to make a lasting lifestyle building on habits that will carry you through life’s toughest moments. 

You’re not doing it alone – I’m in this with you, and we’ll take it one step at a time together! 🤝 Sign up for the next Jesus Challenge below to commit to prioritizing God and your health. He’s eager to keep meeting us and healing our brokenness. 

Click Here: Commit To My Transformation

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