Stop Losing Your Peace to Holiday Stress. Stay Rooted in Christ With These 3 Easy Jesus Challenge Habits.
Sometimes I feel a little twinge of helplessness when I hear, “Remember the reason for the season.”
Or “Keep the holidays holy.”
Or “Focus more on your faith this Christmas.”
While it’s well-intentioned and excellent advice, my few remaining brain cells during the busy holidays can’t always translate it into daily life. 🤔I’m never sure what to do with those phrases as I barrel through my real-life, don’t-have-time-to-shower, wearing-my-shirt-backwards season.
As someone who wrestles to keep my peace at this time of year, I want to give you some extremely practical, simple, and easy tips to stay tightly tethered to Jesus. So practical you can steal them right off your screen and insert them into your day immediately. (But seriously, don’t wait because otherwise, we both know it WILL NOT happen. 😅)
Let me clarify something really fast. 👇
It’s important to remember that God’s peace is ALWAYS available to you. No matter the circumstances. It does not dim or fade to the background when your days are double booked and you don’t know when you’ll find time to eat. It is not hidden from you. It is not being withheld from you. God’s peace is always within reach, zero exceptions.
Ok, now that we’ve cleared that up, let’s get to it! You don’t have much time to read a long thing, so this post is as to-the-point as a blog gets.
Jesus Challenge Habit #1: Gratitude
Gratitude might sound so simple you’re tempted to skip over it. But when the kids are fighting, you’re out of wrapping paper, and dinner is burning, gratitude is one of THE hardest things to remember and practice. 😮💨
Friend, this spiritual habit is a STRONG weapon against the enemy’s attempts to steal your intimacy with Christ this Christmas season.
Why is gratitude such a big deal in a season like this?
It gets your mind and focus off the things that aren’t going to plan.
It helps you appreciate the beauty of every present moment.
It keeps you from obsessing over the past or the future.
It frees you from wishing things were different.
It takes your eyes off yourself and shifts them to the Provider of all your needs.
How can you actually practice gratitude today?
Without adding more work, time and effort to your full plate, here are some practical ways to insert gratitude into your day:
Create simple accountability. 🤝Ask someone (like a husband, parent, sibling, or friend) to ask you once in the morning and once before bed, “What are five things you’re grateful for right now?” Answer them right then and there.
Don’t start your day without gratitude. 🙏Before your feet hit the floor in the morning, thank God for three things that come to mind. Once you’ve done that, you’re free to zoom off into your day!
Voice text your gratitude. 🤳Open a new note on your phone, and every time something crosses your mind that you’re grateful for, voice text it into that note.
Don’t be afraid of low-hanging fruit. 🍎Being grateful for things like your home, food to eat, or a body that moves are not too “small” to be grateful for!
Don’t repeat yourself. ☝️Whenever you say what you’re grateful for, try your best to find something new every time!
You might be surprised by how quickly your brain will automatically think of things you’re grateful for! And that perspective shift unloads so much stress and worry from your mind. Try it – you’ll see what I mean!
Jesus Challenge Habit #2: Moments With God
“Rachel, I really want to, but I just don’t HAVE time to give Him. Everything’s booked!” 😫
Oh man, I get it! You can’t just neglect your kids, count on meals cooking themselves, and leave gifts unwrapped. You do have responsibilities.
Remember Martha from the Bible? She bustled around the house, preparing a meal because – as we know – it wasn’t going to cook itself. And Mary just sat there with Jesus, doing nothing.
Then Jesus spoke this strange, mind-blowing truth, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset about all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.”
What details are distracting and upsetting you right now?
👉 Are they worth it?
The truth is, the decorations, the food, the wrapping paper, the outfits, the parties – NONE of that actually matters. What matters is your intimacy with God.
WHY do moments with God matter at a time like Christmas?
The answer is very simple and very humbling:
We are absolutely NOT self-sufficient – especially during the holidays. We need Him.
If spending large amounts of time with God is impossible right now, think of it as clinging to moments with God.
Here are three practical times to do this today:
In the shower. 🚿I know this sounds odd, but when you pull that curtain closed, it’s just you and God. Take those few minutes to unload to Him – tell Him your worries, frustrations, what you need Him for.
Driving in the car. 🚗This works best when you’re alone before you pick up the kids. Pause the Christmas carols and crank some Jesus music. While you’re in the car, toss all your worries and concerns out the window. You can’t do anything about them right now anyway! Only allow worship and gratitude to fill your mind – nothing else.
Late nights. 🌜When everyone’s gone to bed and you’re about to hit the lights, sit on the couch for 2 minutes alone, and pour out your heart to God. Cry, vent, sit silently, whatever it is you need to do. Feel how near He is to you at this moment.
While doing your hair or makeup. 🪞Instead of thinking of all the things you have to get done, use this quiet moment away from your phone to listen for God’s voice. Every time a “to-do list” thought creeps in, send it right back out, and ask God to speak to you.
Instead of letting the term “time with God” overwhelm you, think of spending “moments” with Him. No matter how tight your schedule feels, please don’t forfeit ALL your time with God.
Jesus Challenge Habit #3: Abiding
Abiding… What does that even mean? Sounds vague, Christian-y, and a little unattainable. 😬
Abide means to “lodge” or “stay in.”
I like to think of it as Home Base. When I go camping, I pick a nice spot in the woods, set up my tent, and that’s Home Base. ⛺I spend most of my time there, store my supplies there, return there after adventures, and feel most safe there.
To describe it another way, think of a small toddler who just learned how to walk. He keeps coming back to mom to check in, feel reassured in her presence, and fill his courage tank before he goes back to playing. His confidence, well-being, and mood revolve around mom’s comforting presence. Mom is his Home Base.
When you abide in Christ, God’s presence is Home Base. HE is your greatest reality. Your awareness, attention, devotion, and affection are first and foremost on Christ. Not on things going wrong. Not on the oven timer. Not on your emotions. You keep coming back to Him in the privacy of your heart, checking in, refueling on courage, asking for help.
That’s abiding. 👆
Why does abiding matter during the Christmas season?
It anchors your heart in peace.
It helps hurtful comments or situations slide off you.
It’s an example of joy and peace for your family.
Your demeanor sets the culture of the home.
It gives you the strength to keep going because you’re safe at home base with Jesus.
How can you abide in your busy, full day today?
Here are some practical ways to abide today:
Breath prayers. 🫁You might not have time to go pray alone for 10 minutes, but as you feel stress building, talk to God under your breath. Whisper for Him to help you. Ask Him to show you how close He is. Repeat to yourself that your peace is found in God alone.
Find backup. 👥Assign a trusted friend to put a hand on your shoulder and encourage you with a specific truth when they notice you getting anxious or stressed. I’ve got some great verses for you to choose from at the bottom of this blog.
Pray in the bathroom. 🙏I know this sounds weird, but it’s a great habit! Before you open the bathroom door to leave, stop for a moment, and ask God to remind you of His presence with you. Check in with Him like a small child running to Mom for reassurance.
God longs for you to run back to Him as Home Base. He knows exactly what you need and is ready to give it to you. Soul-deep peace, rest, and joy await you when you run to Him.
Join the Jesus Challenge to Make These Habits a Lifestyle
I’m telling you, friend, when you start practicing those three simple steps every day, you’ll be a different person. Chaos, stress, and anxiety will no longer have room to take up space in your heart. You’ll be the most peaceful, content, joyful person in the room, and it will show!
But I know Christmas isn’t the only busy and chaotic time of year. Whenever someone asks us how life is going, we typically answer with, “Oh, it’s just a busy season.” All year round. 🫠
Thankfully, there’s a very practical and easy way to nurture your intimacy with God, proven and beloved by thousands of participants: my virtual Jesus challenge! It’s designed to help busy people like you and me build practical, simple rhythms that prioritize God over all the moving parts of our lives.
What is the Jesus Challenge?
It’s a 40-day virtual Christian challenge of walking or running 1 mile per day.
As you walk or run, you read a preassigned portion of Scripture.
You’re added to a private Facebook community of challenge participants just like you.
You can opt into additional challenges during the day to make your Bible reading practical.
⚠️ If you’ve seen a pattern of God slipping to the back burner of your life, this virtual Jesus challenge is for you. I encourage you to take decisive action to reprioritize God to His rightful place in your life: #1 Priority.
I can confidently say you will NOT regret signing up – and this is based on the thousands of participants who have already crushed this challenge, many of them a few times over. 💪Check out the reviews they left here!
Oh, and if you’re searching for a last-minute gift for someone in your life – the Jesus Challenge is a GREAT option to encourage them long-term in their walk with God!
I’m excited to see you or your loved ones on my registration list for the new year! 🤗
Click Here: I Want to Prioritize God
Verses to Help You Stay Grounded in Christ During the Holidays:
Matthew 6:34 – “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”
Isaiah 41:10 – “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”
Joshua 1:9 – “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Philippians 4:6-7 – “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
Zephaniah 3:17 – “The Lord your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”
Exodus 14:14 – “The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”
Psalm 23:4 – "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."