4 Reasons Bible Study Is A BIG Deal – And How The Jesus Challenge Makes It Stick
If you’re anything like me, Mondays are the perfect for “fresh starts.” Clean slate for the week – clean slate for your Bible study. You launch into Monday strong: Bible open, coffee steaming, phone silenced, convinced THIS is the week you’ll finally be consistent in your Bible study. 😤
🌀 Then Tuesday is jam-packed.
⌛ By Wednesday, you haven’t had five minutes to yourself.
🥵 On Thursday, you’re scrolling in bed, too exhausted to even think about opening your Bible.
😞And by Sunday, that familiar guilt creeps in.
“Why is it so hard to stay on track with my Bible study…?”
You’re not alone – I know exactly how that feels. Life is NONSTOP. And it’s not like you don’t want to be in God’s Word regularly – you really do! But when very real demands pile up – as they do every day – Bible study is often the first thing to go.
Friend, here’s the full, honest, loving truth: if you truly want to grow in your intimacy with God and know Him deeply, Bible study is a non-negotiable.
2 Timothy 3:16 reminds us, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” In other words, the Bible isn’t another “good” thing in your life – it’s your actual lifeline! 🛟 And if you truly want to deepen your relationship with God, you can’t afford to let it slip to the back burner.
And no, I’m not suggesting you turn Bible study into a pressure-filled, perfect, rigid regime. 🙅🏻♀️ It’s not simply a box to check off your to-do list.
You’re growing a very real, personal relationship with the living God! A relationship that satisfies the peace, purpose, belonging, and connection our hearts crave every day.
So let’s talk about four big reasons why Bible study is non-negotiable for a deep faith – and how the Jesus Challenge helps you make it a practical, natural, daily habit. Yes, even when your life is crazy busy!
The Bible Is How You Get To Know God
Remember the first time you fell in love? 🥰 Maybe with your spouse, your college crush, or that boy you doodled hearts around in your middle school yearbook.
You were DEAD SET on knowing everything about them – their favorite songs, childhood memories, favorite drinks. You hung onto every word they said, memorized all the little details, learned all their favorite songs, and maybe (definitely) made them a mixtape labeled “The Perfect Mix” in bubble letters.
As silly as that sounds, that is exactly what Bible study is! 👆
Bible study helps you get to know the heart of God personally, not just facts about Him you heard through the grapevine. Things like:
What makes Him smile
What breaks His heart
What makes Him angry
How He thinks
His character
His mind
To what degree He loves you
How far He was willing to go to rescue you
His favorite creations
How He sees you
The more you read about Him, the more you realize just how deeply He knows and loves you. And the more you recognize His unashamed, extravagant, unleashed love for you, the more you love Him back.
And the best part is, God WANTS to be known by you! 🥹He’s not playing hard to get, hiding Himself from you, or holding you at arm's length. He already gave you everything you need to know Him deeply and intimately, written on every page of your Bible. He’s always pursuing your heart. All you have to do is open His Word and read it.
The Bible Discerns Truth From Lies
You don’t need me to tell you – our world is LOUD. 📢 It’s like trying to drink water from a fire hydrant!
Everywhere you turn, someone has an opinion. On parenting, marriage, faith, food, exercise, work, college, relationships… It comes from everywhere – social media, news, podcasts, well-meaning friends, your mother-in-law, and even your own unvoiced expectations.
It’s a LOT. And it’s exhausting. 😩
So how do we sort through this storm of opinions and retain what’s actually true?
Thankfully God gives us the answer in a verse you’ve heard a million times but might skim past because it’s so familiar: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Of course, you’ve heard that verse before. But how often do we actually live like we believe it?? ⚠️
The only way to separate truth from the noise is to fill your heart and mind with God’s Word first and foremost. If you don’t, you’ll spend your days floundering in a sea of opinions, constantly second-guessing what’s right based on whatever voice happens to be the loudest.
Do you know how experts detect counterfeit money? You’d assume they spend all their time studying fakes and keeping up with the latest scam tactics. Nope. They become so familiar with the REAL thing – every tiny detail, watermark, texture – that a counterfeit stands out immediately.
That’s exactly what happens when you saturate your mind with God’s truth.
You don’t have to chase down every opinion, dissect every argument, or get caught up in trends. The more time you spend in God’s Word, the easier it becomes to recognize when something isn’t from Him. 📖
The Bible Refuels You When Your Tank Is Empty
Be honest – when was the last time you powered through a busy day without eating? (I used to be guilty of this! 👋)
You skip breakfast to make the kids’ lunches.
Then you get caught up in work, errands, laundry, and answering texts.
Before you know it, it’s 4 pm, and you feel cranky, lightheaded, and like you’re running on fumes.
I wonder why… 🤔
But we do this spiritually all the time too!
We just push through exhaustion, anxiety, and burnout on our own, wondering why in the world we feel so depleted. And then we reach for a quick fix – scrolling social media (hello, more anxiety!), treating ourselves to coffee, venting about our day – thinking it will help. But deep down our souls are starving, and these bandaid fixes can’t give us the healing we need. 🩹
Jesus knew this would happen, which is why He said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." (Matthew 4:4)
God’s Word is Soul Food. It keeps you alive! Your soul is crying out for time with God! Not for more caffeine, sleep, community, or a clean house.
When you’re running on empty, the answer is not to push through (no matter how much hustle culture glorifies burnout.) The answer is to STOP. And refuel with nourishment for your heart. ❤️🩹
To pause, like Mary, setting aside the to-do list to soak in the refreshing, life-giving truth of God’s Word.
THAT is what your soul needs. 👆Every single day.
The Bible Is Intended For Real, Messy Life
Is it just me, or do we sometimes make wayyyy too big a deal out of Bible study, like we have to get our life together before we jump in? 😅
“The house is a wreck. I should clean before I sit down.”
“I’ve got a long list of to-dos. I should knock some things out before I read.”
“I feel too ashamed. Maybe once I’m in a better place, I can open my Bible.”
If you’ve felt this tension, you’re not alone. But I want to tell you, that’s completely backward.
The Bible is not for people who already have their hearts, homes, and lives in order. It’s for US – the tired, the weary, the overwhelmed. The ones who are hungry for God but just don’t know where to start.
I encourage you: the next time you’re tempted to hold off on Bible study until you get your life in order – just do it. Just open your Bible. Don’t think about it, just do it. Sit on top of the pile of unfolded clothes, with unwashed hair, and unfinished dishes in the sink, and just read. The Holy Spirit will meet you right there with the exact truth you need to hear. 🧎
Hebrews 4:12 says, “The Word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword.”
God’s Word doesn’t offer you those “quick fix” snacks or shallow, sugar-coated Band-Aids. It cuts straight to the core of what you really need – revealing hidden longings, reshaping your thoughts, and filling you with His purpose. It’s the ONLY thing that will ever truly satisfy! 🥹
So if you want to grow, don’t wait until you feel ready. Open your Bible now. Let God do His work right smack in the messy imperfection – because that’s where it’s meant to be.
Making Bible Study Stick with the Jesus Challenge
I know consistent, daily Bible study sounds amazing in theory. But as we’re all too familiar with, it’s pretty hard to follow through in real life. Even if you get one good Bible study day (or week if you’re lucky!) it feels impossible to keep up in the long run. And you end up feeling stuck, alone, and like a failure again. 😭
Just like you, I had the hardest time making my Bible study a consistent habit. And no matter how badly I wanted it, it always seemed to slip away in the busyness of my full days.
But it doesn’t have to be that way!
I created the Jesus Challenge to help busy people like you and me build regular Bible study into our full lives so we can be fed and nourished in God’s Word. NOT with guilt trips and perfect standards, but with small, practical, easy habits.
Here’s what my virtual Jesus challenge involves:
40 days of walking or running 1 mile per day
Pre-assigned passages of Scripture to read on your daily walk
A private, friendly Facebook group for all Jesus Challenge participants
Optional daily challenges to apply the passages you read
It’s that simple! No overcomplicating it. No waiting for the “perfect” moment. Just showing up daily, the way you are, trusting God to meet you there.
So if you’re tired of feeling stuck and frustrated, this 40-day Scripture challenge is your chance at a fresh start!
How The Jesus Challenge Reinforces Your Bible Study
In a world bursting with fads, quick fixes, and recipes for success, what sets my Jesus virtual challenge apart? What makes it the perfect way to build a consistent, long-term Bible study habit?
Walking or running 1 mile per day 🏃
This 40-day Scripture challenge gets you out of the house, away from all the demands, and gives you a chance to rebuild your own physical and spiritual health. It gives you a set time to focus on God’s Word, making Bible study feel like a natural rhythm. After a while, it will feel like something’s missing if you don’t go out for a daily walk!
Pre-assigned Scripture 📖
No more flipping through your Bible unsure where or how to start! Each day, you’ll have a specific passage assigned to you, so all you have to do is open the Word and read it. This structure eliminates the guesswork, getting you to the feet of Jesus faster and easier.
A private Facebook group for support 👥
Staying consistent in Bible study is SO much easier and more fun when you’re not doing it alone! The Jesus Challenge community gives you encouragement, accountability, and a safe place to share what God’s teaching you. When you feel stuck or discouraged, this group will always have your back and give you the fuel you need to keep going!
Optional application challenges ✅
The goal of Bible study isn’t just to read Scripture – it’s to change how you live life! That’s why the virtual Jesus challenge includes daily challenges to help you live out what you just read. Whether it’s praying for someone, sharing what you learned, or choosing gratitude, these small habits cement God’s truth in your heart and daily life.
So yes, the Jesus Challenge helps you read your Bible consistently, and that’s a WONDERFUL thing. 🥳 But more importantly, it helps you build a Bible study habit that actually lasts long-term! It’s structured, simple, and completely doable, even in a busy life.
The Choice is Yours!
Here’s the bottom line: if you want to grow in your love for the Lord and in your faith, Bible study is a non-negotiable.
Life is chaotic, distractions are endless, and there will never be a time when the stars align for you to practice unhindered, perfect Bible study.
That’s why I think it’s vitally important to use a simple structure to build a consistent Bible study habit. It’s an easy step that will make a huge difference in your walk with God, your personal life, your family and loved ones, your future, and your mindset. It’s an ongoing blessing to you and your loved ones! 😍
If you’re ready to reprioritize Bible study to its rightful position, check out the Jesus Challenge. For 40 days, you’ll walk alongside hundreds of other dedicated participants, reading, reflecting, growing – and building a strong habit of daily Bible study. No more struggling to stay consistent or wondering where to start. 😮💨
The choice is yours, friend! Will you keep waiting for the “perfect moment” to open God’s Word? Or will you take this simple step today to empower yourself with the most life-giving, replenishing nourishment available to you?
Click below to join the virtual Jesus challenge and build a Bible study habit that sticks. And remember, you’re not alone in this – I’ll be walking right alongside you!
Join us today: Commit Now