Motivation vs. Discipline: How to Power Through the Jesus Challenge in Winter
Winter is tough. The days are short, it’s freezing outside, and it takes extra effort to bundle up for a chilly walk. All you want to do is burrow in the blankets with hot cocoa, a mindless show, and nap the day away.
Staying consistent with the Jesus Challenge can feel impossible – no matter how excited or passionate you felt when you originally signed up. That seems so long ago… 😮💨Now you have to crank the music, chug an energy drink, and hype yourself up to go on your walk or run.
If you’ve felt that sluggishness lately and wondered where all your motivation disappeared to, you’re not alone. This is the time of year when even the most determined people feel dull and unmotivated.
But I want to challenge you that the key to consistency is not waiting for a burst of caffeinated energy to give you a kick. It’s something much more sustainable – something strong enough to hold you to your commitments even when the opposition seems stronger.
I know it doesn’t sound as exciting as motivation. But discipline is a choice you can make at any time, regardless of how you feel at that moment. It’s an opportunity to honor God with your actions, even on the hardest days.
So if you’re feeling stuck, unmotivated, and weary, I want to offer you a perspective shift. This winter isn’t automatically doomed to derail your progress with the virtual Christian challenge – it could actually be the single most important season of growth this year! 🥳
What Is Motivation and Why Does It Fade?
Motivation is defined as “enthusiasm for doing something.”
We both know motivation feels AMAZING when it shows up! You feel invincible and like you could conquer the world. When you signed up for the virtual Jesus challenge, you probably thought, “Yes! This is the fresh start I’ve been needing!” 🤩
That spark you felt? That’s motivation.
But here’s the sad part we all knew was coming: motivation doesn’t stick around. It bails when things get tough.
Why? Because motivation is “enthusiasm.” It’s a feeling. And feelings are fickle, unreliable, and always changing.
Take winter. It’s cold, gray, and gets dark at 4 pm. The lack of sunlight messes with your mood and energy and suddenly the thought of bundling up for a walk with Jesus feels impossible compared to a month ago. Everything feels damp, depressing, discouraging, and just all-around “blah.” 😒That fuzzy blanket looks way better than any amount of physical or mental effort.
But have you ever noticed how your mood changes when the sun comes out? Suddenly you feel invincible again and have a sparkly, peppy, productive day! 😃
Yup. Once again, evidence that motivation is driven by constantly changing external factors.
There’s good news though! You don’t have to depend on motivation to finish the virtual Jesus challenge! Thank goodness there’s another option – one that’s stronger, more dependable, and will not let you down. Let’s take a look at what that is. 👇
The Power of Discipline
Self-discipline is “the ability to make yourself do things you know you should do even when you do not want to.”
It doesn’t feel as exciting as motivation, but while motivation is fueled by emotions that come and go, discipline is powered by choice. 💪
Every moment of every day, you have the power of your free choice. Your choice depends 100% on you – not on your circumstances, emotions, or the people around you.
Here’s how discipline keeps you going when motivation runs out:
Discipline creates consistency, even on “blah” days. You brush your teeth every day, not because it’s glamorous, but because it’s a habit. Discipline does the same thing with routines that aren’t yet habits. It makes life simpler so you don’t have to debate with yourself every day about reading your Bible or moving your body.
It takes the guesswork out of hard decisions. When it’s cold and you’d rather stay in bed, discipline nudges you, saying, “You’ve decided to do this – and you’ve already done it countless times before. Just start.” No overthinking. No drama. Just action. 🏃🏻
It pushes through feelings. Feelings lie all the time. Discipline helps you act according to your chosen priorities, not according to your mood.
Discipline builds confidence. Every time you follow through when it feels impossible, you prove you can do hard things. And that feeling of accomplishment fuels the next step, and the next, like a giant snowball gaining momentum. And soon, what felt so impossible this morning will be the most automatic, natural habit in the world. ✅
It shifts your focus from feelings to purpose. Motivation says, “I’ll do it if I feel like it.”
Discipline says, “I do it because it matters.” When you tie your actions to the reason you committed to the Jesus Challenge in the first place, you transform a dreaded task into a purposeful action.
It builds spiritual strength. Discipline teaches us perseverance, which the Bible says is the key to maturity. James 1:4 says, “Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” Sticking with your commitment, even when it’s tough, grows your character, maturity, and faith. 💪
It makes your long-term goals realistic. Motivation won’t get you to your long-term goals, whether they be health goals, spiritual goals, relational goals, etc. Motivation falls short waaaay before you get close to achieving them. The only way you’ll actually cross that finish line is if you’re fueled by discipline.
Before we get into some practical tips on how to practice discipline with your virtual Christian challenge, I want to talk about one more very important reason discipline is such a big deal. 👇
Discipline Is a Form of Worship
That sounds a little strange, doesn’t it? We usually think of worship as singing, praying, or serving in church. But discipline?
Discipline isn’t just grit and willpower. As Christians, it’s a spiritual habit of honoring God by being faithful to our commitments.
Even when it’s hard. Especially when it’s hard.
Here’s why:
Discipline shows trust in God’s priorities. 🎯
When you choose discipline over convenience or comfort, you say, “God, I value what You’ve asked me to do more than how I feel right now.” It aligns your actions with His will instead of your changing emotions.
It’s obedience in action. 🤲
Discipline is a tangible way to obey God’s command to be a good steward of your life.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, given to you by God. Taking disciplined care of your health isn’t just for you – it honors God with the resources he’s entrusted to you.
Discipline is worship beyond emotion. 🙌
Worship isn’t always an emotional experience. Many times it’s quiet, unglamorous, and private – like choosing to spend 20 minutes reading God’s Word instead of scrolling Instagram. Romans 12:1 says, “Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. This is your true and proper worship.” Discipline is that “living sacrifice,” giving God your time and energy when it’s not easy.
It points others to God. ☝️
Our world is PACKED with motivated people trend-hopping. But truly disciplined, devoted people are hard to find. When you consistently live out your commitments – whether caring for your health, praying regularly, or serving others – you model a life surrendered to God’s purposes. When someone asks you how you stay consistent, you get the amazing opportunity to tell them your “why” – honoring God.
As you can see, discipline isn’t glamorous or easy. But I hope this helps you shift your perspective to see it as a beautiful, wholehearted offering to God. He is worthy of our all!
Practical Tips To Push Through the Jesus Challenge in Winter
Instead of letting winter be the season that throws you off track, this winter can be the season you grow stronger than ever. 😍
So let’s get down into the nitty gritty. What does discipline look like in day-to-day life during your virtual Jesus challenge?
Here are five simple things you can do today to build discipline and become unstoppable:
Set realistic goals. 📝
If you sprint out of the gate too fast, you’ll fade quickly. Choose a goal that’s achievable but still challenges you. These goals will be unique to your abilities, capacity, and schedule. For some, it may be walking for 20 minutes a day. For others, it could be preparing for an upcoming marathon!
Establish a routine. ⏰
If you don’t schedule your walk, I have bad news: it’s not going to happen. 😔Set a routine that you can keep every day. As you get used to it, your brain will adjust and expect it every day, making it as natural and automatic as brushing your teeth!
Get accountability. 🤝
This one is a doozy. Do it today. Text that person now. If you’ve signed up with my virtual Jesus challenge, you’re already part of an amazing private community of people going through the same struggle! Don’t wait for motivation to drop in your lap – post an update in the group. Reach out to that person who inspired you. Ask for prayer. Accountability is POWERFUL!
Don’t skip two days in a row. 🙅🏻♀️
If you need a day off, go for it. Everyone needs some time off once in a while – it would be unnatural if you didn’t! But don’t let your day off slip into two days off or more. The longer you let it go, the less likely you’ll get back on track.
Change your language. 🗣️
Instead of saying, “Ugh, I have to go on this walk,” say, “I get to go on this walk. Thank you, Lord, for legs that move.” Practice gratitude. Replace negative self-talk with self-encouragement. Speak to yourself like you could go back in time and encourage little you as a child.
Don’t Forget About Grace
Please hear me – grace is just as essential as discipline. Your goal isn’t perfection – it’s the experience itself. Winter is tough, and some days you might struggle to get out of bed or make it through the whole walk. That’s okay! ☺️
Discipline doesn’t mean you have no room for error or growth. Discipline means you don’t let your feelings dictate your choices.
So show yourself kindness and grace to be human. 🫶
Trust that with every step, no matter how small, God is working, even when you don’t feel it or see it.
My virtual Jesus challenge is not designed to make you follow a regimen to the T. I created it to help you encounter Jesus every day, expose yourself to His Word, and steward your body well. 🚶
As you push on, remember 2 Corinthians 12:9 – “But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
Perseverance Pays Off: Keep Going!
Winter feels eternal when you’re in it.
👉 But the decisions you make this winter will affect the rest of your life. 👈
They set you on one of two tracks:
1️⃣ A few years down this track, you’ll be living a life of convenience, laziness, unhealth, poor habits, regret, and doing whatever you feel like in the moment.
2️⃣ A few years down this track, you’ll be living a life of conviction, purpose, challenge, intentionality, health, a thriving relationship with the Lord, and achieving your goals.
Friend, you’re at a decision point right now. Will you act based on emotion or forward-thinking? Will you pursue instant gratification or long-term fulfillment? When winter is over, you’ll come out either stronger and more confident or regretful. It’s up to you.
I’m on your team and I’ve got your back! I’m so proud of all the progress you’ve made and will keep cheering you through the end. 🥹
Keep going! Don’t give up! Reach out to the Jesus Challenge Facebook group for support – I’m confident so many others in there are going through the same struggle right now. You’re not alone. 🫶
If you’re ready to commit to the new year with a new challenge, sign up below! I can’t wait to see you on the team in January!
Click Here: Sign Me Up For the Jesus Challenge